Creamy Green Smoothie

by 10.2.14

One of my most used kitchen tools is my blender. I make soups, smoothies and sauces with it on a daily basis. Couldn't live without it! Even when we are on tour I make sure that we have a blender on the bus. The boys love it too!

Here is a recipe for a quick, creamy and healthy green smoothie! This is so refreshing and saturating. It is not too sweet super creamy. 

Lekker lekker!!

For one person you need:
  • 1 kiwi
  • Half a cucumber
  • Half an avocado
  • Cup of water
  • 2 slices of lemon (one in the smoothie and one for decoration)

Tomorrow I will try avocado, banana, soy yoghurt and a shot of vanilla mmm!

Blend and slurp away!

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  1. It sounds delicious!!! I love fruit smoothies :D And avocado is one of my favourites
    Maybe an orange smoothie for the dutch ice skaters (olympic wintergames) tomorrow? :P

  2. Do you take the skin off the lemon before blending it into the smoothie?

  3. I have to try this one! I usually stay away from vegetable smoothies (because I prefer to chew my veggies), but I might like this one because of the kiwi.
    But lately I've been obsessed with mango smoothies of all kinds. I usually mix it with kiwis or oranges or even berries (especially raspberries). It's great for breakfast.

  4. Hmmm I don't like very much kiwi but I have to confess it sounds delicious! I never taste smoothie, do you believe in that? Not anymore! HAHAHA I will try to do this very soon!

  5. Mmmh, lecker!!! Den probier ich auch aus. Hatte gestern einen Mix aus Gurke, Buttermilch und Zitrone. War auch erstaunlich gut :)

  6. Anonymous12.2.14

    umm going to do because doing so hot here in Brazil more

  7. Hmmm looks very good!, and I like kiwi, I haven't tasted the other ingredients, but I really love the strawberry smoothie ♥

  8. This looks delicious. This makes your skin shine bright, doesn't it? I definitely have to try this!

    Have you ever tried other green smoothies? One of my favorite recipes contains kale, oranges, banana, water and a dash of cinnamon. You can also add dates for more sweetness. I know, it sounds weird making a smoothie out of raw kale...BUT the taste is really nice, it is quite a bit tangy and this spiciness is especially in combination with oranges and cinnamon really wonderful. The flavors enhance each other. When you just do not like kale, you can use spinach instead, but let me tell you kale is far better.

    And if you like banana shake, try oat drink (available at dm for example) instead of cow's milk...this is so so fantastic.

  9. Hi Simone!
    Wie geht es dir und deiner Familie?
    Ich wollte dich fragen, ob du schon mal was von der "Pink Box" gehört, oder sie vielleicht sogar schonmal ausprobiert hast. Jeden Monat bekommt man für ca. 13-15 Euro eine Box mit fünf Kosmetik und Beauty-Artikeln zugeschickt. Ich habe sie mir gerade bestellt und bin sehr gespannt :)
    Ganz liebe Grüße <3

  10. Ziet er jummie uit :-D

  11. Green smoothies are delicious and your combination looks yummy. I always add a dash of cinnamon for extra flavour and for its health benefits.
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  12. Anonymous15.8.14

    I tried it today. It's so delicious *o*
