Chit Chat #38 Corona Visits

by 21.5.20

We are all in this pandemic together. Missing our family and friends can be a little bit heavy on the heart. Video calls, audio messages and photos were like a little bandaid, but after many weeks it doesn't have the same effect any more and sometimes it can make us feel more frustrated about the current situation, than that it would ease our minds.

Seeing your friends in real life, is still a day and night difference to the digital phone version. Even though there are no hugs, it can be incredibly uplifting to be in the same room together, all while keeping distance of course. Hence these funny photos with Jen and I being so far apart ;)

Jen came to visit me last week and brought some yummy cakes for us to enjoy. We sat on the balcony and talked how the virus has affected us as artists and how the future will look like. We all miss touring, being on stage, connecting with our fans in real life.

To blow off some steam, we had an innocent and fun nerf gun battle with Vincent. How I love collecting those arrows and finding them at the weirdest places in our house. They like to hide in our plants and hit me in the forehead! In the end I was left with a perfectly red circle on my forehead. Thank goodness that I wore those sexy blue shades that came with the Nerf gun collection kit....

Lately I have been experimenting more in my home studio with photography and music. Maybe there will be another live session with Oliver one day? I would love that!

We'll all have to be patient. We will get through this together, forever and ever!


Ps. Jen has been doing these awesome one minute jam sessions with her friends on Instagram. You should definitely check it out: JEN MAJURA

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