For a while now, I have been really strict with lathering on the body lotion, oils and now soufflés. It used to be a step which I always skipped after the bathing, but now I must say that I can't go without moisturizing my whole body, and not just my face.
Besides Balea, I am a big Nivea fan. I managed to empty the 400 ml bodylotion version of this soufflé (soft lotion). It will be featured in another Beauty Bin.
This soufflé (300 ml) has a lighter texture and is slightly more oily than the lotion and I must say that I prefer this one. It is also nicer to take with on travel. It has a more luxurious feeling when applying this to the skin. It doesn't leave the skin feeling sticky, nor does it put a weird film on your skin.
My must have for glowy skin!
What are your favorite body lotions/oils/soufflé?